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Management team

The management group supervises TPG and plays a central role within TPG. Each member plays the role of a leader in each group and manages it for the purpose of interaction between members and ideas. In addition, one of the activities of the management group is to grasp the movement of the entire TPG through the activity reports of each group.

About our activities

Hold a debriefing session for the group leader to ensure that the group works well.


・ Participation in the board of directors

Grasp an understanding of the overall movement of TPG.


・ Holding social gatherings

We sometimes organize social gatherings so that people from

different groups can interact with each other.

・ Accounting management

In addition, we carry out TPG miscellaneous tasks.

スクリーンショット 2020-12-10 0.57.30.png

Activities' frequency

Weekly group meetings + weekly board meetings (both days of the week are changed according to the member's schedule for each quarter)

A word from the group leader




野口 弓乃





環境・社会理工学院 土木・環境工学系








The management team designs the TPG, an organization that freely designs TakiPlaza. TPG is a mysterious organization that is worth designing, so if you are interested in the organization itself, please come to the management team!
By the way, I am the head of the management team, so I am the person who designs the team that designs the TPG, the organization that freely designs TakiPlaza.

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